Friday, August 19, 2011

8th Grade LA and 10th Grade Lit and Comp

Dear Parents,
I am happy to tell you that we have survived the first week. As a matter of fact, it has been a great week! I am so thrilled to be working with your teens! Thank you for sharing them with me!
I am trying something new this year. To keep you informed of what is going on in our class, I have created a class blog. When there are postings to the blog, you should receive an email .  
I insist on students using their agendas in my class, and for the most part, they will always have their assignments in advance. The blog serves as a backup in the event they forget something. Please encourage them to view their agendas nightly and look at the blog if there are any questions. I will do my best to keep the blog updated, but the best source for keeping up with assignments is the agenda. Please review it with your teen nightly.
Have a nice weekend!
Kind Regards,

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