Monday, November 28, 2011

10th Grade Lit and Comp Please check agendas each night for up to date information

10th Grade Language Arts
November 28-December

Monday, November 28, 2011
Journal: What do you think of when it rains? Do you like the rain? (Explain using sensory details
Structure and organization of the 5 paragraph essay…
Hm. studies: review the intro paragraph structure, research Marc Anthony…what happened to him after Julius Caesar???

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Journal: Free write
The body paragraphs+ the introduction, return to the hero essay
Hm. Studies: review the structure of the introduction and the body paragraphs, write the into and the 3 body paragraphs of the hero essay

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Journal: none
Writer’s workshop
The conclusion-review of the five paragraph essay
Hm. studies: study for test, the five paragraph essay

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Journal: none
Test, the Five paragraph essay, (rewrite of rough draft)
Hm. Studies: none

Friday, December 2, 2011
Journal: TBA
Review of Writer’s Rules, self -evaluation of writing prompt.
Hm. Studies: none

8th Grade Language Arts-please remember to check agendas every night for up to date information

8th Grade Language Arts
November 28-December

Monday, November 28, 2011
Jing sensory details
Structure and organization of the 5 paragraph essay…
Hm. studies: review the intro paragraph structure

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Journal: Free write
The body paragraphs+ the introduction
Hm. Studies: review the structure of the introduction and the body paragraphs

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Journal: none
Writer’s workshop
The conclusion-review of the five paragraph essay
Hm. studies: study for quiz, the five paragraph essay

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Journal: none
Test, the Five paragraph essay
Hm. Studies: none

Friday, December 2, 2011
Journal: TBA
The thesis statement.
Hm. Studies: none

Monday, October 31, 2011

10th Lit and Comp--please check agendas every night

10th Grade Language Arts
Lesson Plans

Monday, October 31, 2011
Journal: none

The Fall of the Roman Empire
Hm. Studies: Act 1, Scene iii, J. Caesar pg. 792-797

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Journal: none

Reading check on reading
Summary, Act I remembering the order of events
The Fall of the Roman Empire--continued
Hm. Studies: outline for writing prompt-prewriting activity

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Journal: none

PSAT writing works shop

Hm. Studies: none

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Journal: none
Act II Scene i, J. Caesar pg. 800-809
Hm. Studies:
Responsive reading, reading check questions Act II, Scene i J. Caesar

Friday, November 4, 2011
Journal: free write
Scene ii review
Scene iii, iv pg. 816-817

Shakespeare’s soliloquy.

Hm. Studies: none

8th Grade Language Arts/please remember to check student agendas!

8th Grade Language Arts
Lesson Plans

Monday, October 31, 2011
Journal: freedom of choice-what does it all mean?

Follow up on American Memory Project

The Giver-Chapter 12

Hm. Studies: research genetic engineering—what is it? No wiki source. Print out source and read it please@

Tuesday, November 1,  2011
Journal: free write

What did you find out about genetic engineering?
Persuasive writing…develop and opinion

Hm. Studies: find another source related to genetic engineering, print and read
Read chapter 13-The Giver

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Journal: What is your favorite color and why? What do you think of when you see the color?

Review chapter 13-Read chapter 14 of The Giver in class.

Hm. Studies: complete chapter 14

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Journal: none

Writing workshop—the five paragraph essay
Hm. Studies: brainstorm genetic engineering—persuasive essay

Friday, November 4, 2011
Journal: none
Writing workshop—outline of a five paragraph essay
Hm. Studies: none

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10th Lit and Compostion-Check agendas daily for updates

10th Literature Composition

(This is just a snap shot for the week...not everyone is doing the same assignments in  an attempt to respond to a variety of abilities.)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Journal: free write
Research, the Roman Empire
Writing workshop—sentence development

Hm. studies:
Corrections on topic sentences, practice with run on sentences, clauses, fragments

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Journal: none
Quiz-fragments, run on sentences, and clauses
The Roman Empire-continued

Hm. studies:
Corrections on Shakespeare Quiz-Bio

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Journal: none

Writing workshop—Thesis Statements
Responding to writing prompts

Hm. studies:
Paragraph practice
Outline pre-write-5paragraph essay

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Journal: none

SAT Writing Prompt

Hm. studies: TBA

Friday, October 21, 2011

Journal: none

Review of the rubric for SAT-self evaluation

Hm. studies: none

8th Grade LA -check agendas nightly for updates!

8th Grade Language Arts

Monday, October 17, 2011

Journal: If it important to follow rules? Why do you think we have rules?

Things we do every day!

Hm. studies: define vocabulary-identify the part of speech. Use each word in a sentence.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Journal: What is the earliest memory or your life that you have? Do you really remember this or are there other factors that influence this memory?

American Memory Project…

Hm. studies: review vocabulary, reach Chapter 3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Journal: Pretend you are older and that you are reflecting on different events, parts, etc. of your life. Write your history. How do you hope your life plays out?

Read chapter 4

Hm. studies: study vocabulary

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Journal: none
Vocabulary quiz!
Chapter 5, The Giver
Hm. studies: research Utopian communities, reads information, print and bring to class

Friday, October, 21, 2011

Journal: free write

A perfect world!

Hm. studies: none

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

8th Grade Language Arts 10-10-10-14-11

8th Language Arts
October 10-October 14
Lesson Plans

Please check agenda every evening!


Journal: reaction to colors

Background on The Giver, Lois Lowry

Hm. studies: Visit and research Lois Lowry, read her bio and print


Journal: Blind or deaf? Which do you choose?

Hm studies: complete vocabulary


Journal: none

Review vocabulary—read Chapter 1 The Giver

Hm. studies: review vocabulary


Journal: Describe a perfect world? Do they exist?

Utopian/ Dystopian novels

Hm. studies: study vocabulary quiz on Friday


Journal: free write
The Giver Chapter 2

Hm. studies: none

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10th Grade Writing and Comp

Please remember to check agendas daily for up dates!

10th Grade Literature and Composition
October 3-October 7, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Journal: Do you have a hero? Who is it? What are the qualities of a hero? Do we have modern day heroes?

Background info Elizabethan Era, Shakespeare, and Drama

Hm. studies: return to Shakespeare High, review bio material… review the “biography quiz”

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journal: none

Quiz, The Life of William Shakespeare

Begin work, hero essay, review 5 paragraph essays format

Julius Caesar-power hungry characters and popular fiction, films, television and comic books (generalizations about personalities

Hm. studies: outline for hero essay

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journal: free write

Body paragraphs for hero essay
Julius Caesar- The Language of William Shakespeare

Hm. studies:  complete body paragraphs of the hero essay

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Journal:  Do you consider your self a good communicator? What are the ways in which you communicate? How do you get people to listen? How do you get your point across?
Intro and conclusion

Julius Caesar-pre-reading activity--skits

Hm. studies: complete intro and conclusion

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rough draft of essay due.
Julius Caesar continue

Hm. studies: none

Monday, October 3, 2011

8th Grade Language Arts 10-3-10-07-11

Please make sure that sagendas are checked each everning!

8th Language Arts
October 3-October 7, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Journal: If you were Billie Jo’s friend, what would you do once you learned of the accident? Who are Billie Jo’s friends?

Reading Summer 1935, pg. 193-206

Hm. studies: characterization

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journal: Can you think of a time in your life when you felt as alone as Billie Jo did after the accident? What did you do?

The parts of a newspaper…Where are the papers going?

Hm. studies: work on “article”, The Dust Bowl Times

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journal: none

Free verse poem—an in class effort

Hm. studies:  complete “article” The Dust Bowl Times

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Journal:  Describe the changes in Billie Jo’s relationship with her father from the beginning of the novel until the end. What do you think made the relationship change?

Pg. 209-227 Autumn 1935

Hm. studies: prepare notebook for notebook check

Friday, October 7, 2011

Journal: none

Newspaper layout

Hm. studies: none
ake sure that agnedas are reviewed every evening!

Monday, September 26, 2011

10th Lit and Comp--please check agendas every night

10 th Lit and Composition
September 27-30


Journal: ABC and childhood memoires
 Intro to William Shakespeare and the Bard

Hm. studies:
Visit website and take quiz


Journal: free write

Brief synopsis—The Taming of the Shrew

Hm. studies:
Remember, Shakespeare Tavern tomorrow, dress appropriately and bring $ for lunch


Taming of the Shrew
Leave for the Shakespeare Tavern at 8:30. $$$ for lunch. Return to CEA by 2:00 (2:30 dismissal for soccer players)

Hm studies: what did you think???? Write a review of The Taming of the Shrew


Journal: TBA

Shakespeare—the plays, poems
Hm. Studies:


Journal: TBA
Intro to Julius Caesar
Hm. studies: none

8th Grade Language Arts/please remember to check student agendas!

8th Language Arts
September 27-30


Journal: ABC and childhood memoires

Hm. studies:
Read Spring 1934 pg. 37-51


Journal: free write

Quiz: Spring 1934

Read Summer 1934 pg. 55-84

Hm. studies:
Read Autumn 1934 pg. 87-95


Journal: TBA
Complete Winter 1935 p. 99-149

Hm. studies:
Complete Spring 1935 p. 153-189


Journal: TBA

Summer 1935 pg.193-206
Hm. Studies:


Journal: TBA
Autumn 1935
Hm. studies: none

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10th Lit and Composition

10th Lit and composition
September 19-23

Remember to check your teen’s agenda every night!

Monday, September 19

Creative writing

Round table discussion…the Civil War, Samuel, and Huck!

Hm. studies: review notes on “Summary of Huck Finn…in notebook)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Continue round table discussion
Review summary of Hick Finn

Hm studies: review notes from roundtable discussion, review notes from Summary of Huck Finn

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Questions for Quiz…focus on your section, 5 questions from your research

Hm. studies: study for Huck Finn Quiz

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hm. studies: study for Huck Finn Quiz

Friday, September 23, 2011

Quiz, Huck Finn

Hm. studies: none

8th Grade Language Arts

8th Language Arts
September 19-23

Remember to check your teen’s agenda every night!

Monday, September 19

Creative writing

Intro to The Dust Bowl

Hm. studies: review for quiz on literary devices

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Continue, The Dust Bowl

Hm studies: read Winter 1934 Out of the Dust

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Review of reading, Spring 1934

Hm. studies: research topic, print source and bring to class, highlight important information

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summer 1934, summary writing

Hm. studies: complete summary

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall 1934, Out of the Dust

Hm. studies: none

Monday, September 12, 2011

8th Language Arts Plans 9-12-9-16

8th Grade Language Arts
Lesson Plans
September 12-16

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal: Describe a memorable childhood memory.
Review of literary devices
Essay review

hm. Studies: define words, use an example of each

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Journal: free write

Essays/peer editing/revisions
Review literary devices

Introduction to novel study.

hm. studies: complete corrections

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Persuasive Essay Due!

Out of the Dust
The Dust Bowl
The Great Depression and other historical aspects of the 1920-1940

hm. studies: review literary devices /quiz on Thursday

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Quiz-Literary Devices
Reading from Out of the Dust
hm. studies:  complete reading

Friday, September 16, 2011

Out of the Dust

10th Lit and Compostion

10th Grade Language Arts
September 12-September 16

Monday, September 12, 2011

Review of writing commandments, peer editing

hm. studies: revise reports-final draft due on Wednesday
study writing commandments-quiz on Thursday

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Background review on Huck Finn

Hm. studies: study writing commandments

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Final Draft due
PSAT Review

Hm. studies: study writing commandments

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quiz—Writing Commandments


Round table discussion-Huck Finn

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10th Lit and Compostion

10th Lit and Composition
September 6- September 9

Journal: What affect does the way in which someone speaks have on you?  


Hm. Studies: continue work on background information
due on Thursday

(PSAT Practice Review)

Hm. Studies: complete ‘report’ on background information


Background information due.

Hm. Studies: none

The Background of Huck Finn through your eyes!

8th Language Arts September 6-September 9

8th Language Arts

September 6, 2011-September 9, 2011

Journal: none
Continue work on rough draft ( due on Friday)

Pop Culture and Literature-wrap up The Outsiders.

Hm. Studies: define vocabulary
Review part I—quiz on Thursday

Journal: What do you know about GANGS?

Hm. Studies: study for quiz part I vocabulary, work on rough draft of persuasive essay

Journal: none
Quiz part I vocabulary

Hm studies: complete rough draft, study part II vocabulary

Rough draft due
Quiz part II vocabulary

Hm studies: none

Monday, August 29, 2011

10th Grade Writing and Comp

Who, What, When,Where, How and Why of Huck Finn!

Topics for research:

Dan H: The Civil War
Jourdan D: Mark Twain
Teddy: Regionalism and Local Color
Tyler: customs and traditons of US regions
Caroline: The Mississippi River
Peyton:dialects of American English
Alex: Native Americans during the Civil War

10th Grade Writing and Comp

10th th Language Arts
August 29


Journal:  none
none-organization-set up agendas- -PSAT practice

topic assignments----
Hm. Studies: research for topic, read information and highlight details


Journal: free write

Writing from research…, who, what, when, where, how and why???

hm studies: brainstorm ideas


Journal: Write what you know….

Creating an outline—what ideas support your topic?  How do they become support paragraphs.

Hm studies: create an outline



How do you put it all together…

Hm. Studies: work on research report-rough draft


Putting it all together and avoiding plagiarism!

8th Grade LA August 29-Sept 2


Journal: none-organization-set up agendas- pass out papers-
Review summary of Old Man and the Sea.

Hm. Studies: study vocabulary for quiz on Thursday

Journal: What does the marlin symbolized in The Old Man and the Sea? What does the fight that Santiago face symbolize?

Review of 5 paragraph essays—choosing a topic for persuasive writing…

hm studies: review vocabulary-brainstorm ideas for persuasive essay-What is something you really believe in?


Journal: none-

Creating an outline—what ideas support your topic?  How do they become support paragraphs.

Hm studies: study for quiz


Journal: none

Quiz on vocabulary

Hm. Studies: complete outline

Outline dues-essay practice

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8th Grade LA

Retest on literary devices from last week this Friday. Please make sure to study tonight and tomorrow night! (Jerry, Cari, Ashleigh)

Monday, August 22, 2011

8th Language Arts

The Old Man and the Sea
study skills workshop

Monday, August 22
hm. studies: review vocabulary

Tuesday, August 23
hm. studies: review vocabulary

Wednesday, August 24
Quiz on Vocab.

10th Grade Writing and Comp

Monday, August 22
hm. studies: look through magazines, newspapers and on line, find three examples of propaganda and bring to class

Tuesday, Aug 23
hm. studies: create an original slogan the techniques of propaganda.

Wednesday, Aug 24
Design an add (poster or flier) using the original slogan

Thursday, Aug 25
complete poster

Friday, August 26
Slogan due!

Friday, August 19, 2011

10th Grade Writing and Comp

This is a test!

10th Grade Writing and Comp

Check out the blog!

8th Grade LA and 10th Grade Lit and Comp

Dear Parents,
I am happy to tell you that we have survived the first week. As a matter of fact, it has been a great week! I am so thrilled to be working with your teens! Thank you for sharing them with me!
I am trying something new this year. To keep you informed of what is going on in our class, I have created a class blog. When there are postings to the blog, you should receive an email .  
I insist on students using their agendas in my class, and for the most part, they will always have their assignments in advance. The blog serves as a backup in the event they forget something. Please encourage them to view their agendas nightly and look at the blog if there are any questions. I will do my best to keep the blog updated, but the best source for keeping up with assignments is the agenda. Please review it with your teen nightly.
Have a nice weekend!
Kind Regards,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

10th Grade Language Arts

Remember, there will be a quiz on the parts of speech tomorrow! Make sure you have all supplies!

8th Grade Language Arts

Remember, there will be a quiz on literary devices tomorrow! Make sure you have all supplies!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

10th Grade

Research George Orwell and print off information. Study for parts of speech quiz. (Friday)

10th Grade

Be sure to get syllabus signed. It is due today! Study parts of speech! Quiz on Friday! Remember supplies are due Friday too!

3ring binder
5 dividers
flash drive
pens and pencils

8th Grade LA

Be sure to get syllabus signed. It is due today! Study literary devices! Quiz on Friday! Remember supplies are due Friday too!

3ring binder
5 dividers
flash drive
pens and pencils

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

8th Grand Language Arts

Please be sure to get syllabus signed today along with completing the literary devices. Remember that supplies are due on Friday. There will be a quiz on the terms on Friday!

Great first day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

Please be sure to get the course syllabus signed and turned back in by Wednesday, August 17, 2011. All supplies are do by Friday, August 19, 2011.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

10th Grade Literature and Compostion, 8th Grade Language Arts

Do not forget, the summer reading is going to be part of the activities for the first two weeks of school! Make sure you have completed it!

8th Grade Language Arts
Old Man and the Sea-Ernest Hemingway
The Outsiders- S.E. Hinton
1 book of choice

10th Literature and Composition
1984- George Orwell
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
1 biography, autobiography, or other work of non-fiction

See you on Monday!